Nordom has been publishing a magazine twice a year since 2003. Noorderlicht as we know it today has existed since 2015, and has also been available online here since 2020. All articles from the paper editions are published here, together with more information about upcoming editions, source information and other news.
Noorderlicht is published in Dutch.
However, some articles and interviews might also be available in English or a Scandinavian language. These are published online-only on this part of the website.
“I’m so proud of who we are” – Qupanuk Olsen
It's mid-September 2024. I take the plunge and send an email to Qupanuk Olsen – better known as Q – from the well-known social media channel Q's Greenland, where she has been posting videos about life in Greenland since early 2020. I actually get a reply, too. Some emails are exchanged, the Zoom-link is shared, and on a cloudy Monday morning two weeks later, the moment finally arrives. For this edition of Noorderlicht, I have the privilege of interviewing Greenland's biggest influencer.
Historien om…
Vores lærere har været igennem meget og har mange historier at fortælle. Derfor henvender Noorderlicht sig til en lærer hvert nummer. Denne gang: Kristina Krake.